Can’t Afford a Brand Identity? Read This…
This blog post will save you from the trap of the cringey Canva template logo that screams ‘unprofessional’.
Lessons From Red Velvet Cake
In this edition of the Milkshake blog, I encourage my readers to eat cake for educational purposes.
Have You Heard of The Hermès Game?
Good ol’ lesson in supply and demand or masters of exclusivity strategy? Whatever your take, here’s how Hermès became French for ‘luxury’.
Captain to First Mate- The Awful Rebrand We Need To Talk About
A new rebrand has killed the iconic Captain, so I performed a post-mortem.
The Branding Genius of ALDI’s Streetwear Collection
Supermarket chain ALDI is currently giving a masterclass in how to leverage distinctive brand assets beyond your category to create a high impact campaign. How? The answer is pretty simple, but they’re calling it ALDImania…