Brain Basics for Effective Marketing
Our brains process and store information in predictable ways. Four to be exact…
By leveraging how our brains naturally work, you can create more impactful, memorable campaigns that truly stick with your audience.
Why Milkshake?
A brief summary of how we got our name, the meaning behind it and the case for contextual based segmentation and purpose branding.
Lessons From Red Velvet Cake
In this edition of the Milkshake blog, I encourage my readers to eat cake for educational purposes.
Zigging When Others Are Zagging: The Von Restorff Effect
The Von Restorff Effect is a seemingly simple concept that is wildly under-utilised. Learn the psychological reason why going against the grain with your branding or product can embed your brand in your audience’s mind.
Have You Heard of The Hermès Game?
Good ol’ lesson in supply and demand or masters of exclusivity strategy? Whatever your take, here’s how Hermès became French for ‘luxury’.